Leggera Italiana

BPM: 66 Ton.: C#- Fav
Custom MP3
BPM: 116 Ton.: A Lead Voice Fav
Custom MP3

da "La vita nuova - Messaggi Live (2006)" - New Version (special)

BPM: 72 Ton.: D Fav
Custom MP3
BPM: 82 Ton.: G- Fav
Custom MP3

da "Sulla mia strada (2005)" - Track 07

BPM: 100 Ton.: F Fav
Multi Track
Custom MP3
BPM: 46 Ton.: C#- Fav
Custom MP3
BPM: 70 Ton.: C Fav
Custom MP3
BPM: 65 Ton.: Ab Lead Voice Fav
Custom MP3
BPM: 144 Ton.: C- Lead Voice Fav
Custom MP3

da "Un viaggio incredibile (2016)" - Track 08 (Disc 02)

BPM: 68 Ton.: E Lead Voice Fav
Custom MP3

Live "Tutti in Arena 2024"

BPM: 68 Ton.: F# Lead Voice Fav
Custom MP3

Versione originale

BPM: 108 Ton.: Eb Fav
Custom MP3
BPM: 94 Ton.: C#- Fav
Custom MP3
BPM: 72 Ton.: E Fav
Custom MP3
BPM: 68 Ton.: F- Fav
Custom MP3

da: "Prometeo (1991)" CD 1 - Track 02

BPM: 140 Ton.: A Lead Voice Fav
Custom MP3

Live TV 2018

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