Songnet Credits

SONGNET is the best and cheapest way to buy backing tracks on Song Service. In fact there is no minimum order and you can also buy single backing tracks.

SONGNET is available in different amounts and it offers the following advantages:

  1. obtain immediatly a discount on the order of the karaoke backing tracks and digital scores;
  2. download your orders quicker, without having to insert you payment details everytime;
  3. save on the payment costs for the transactions, because you make only one transaction;
Songnet - reload € 20

Today for you it costs € 16,90 – 16% Off

Songnet - reload € 30

Today for you it costs € 24,90 – 17% Off

Songnet - reload € 50

Today for you it costs € 39,50 – 21% Off

Songnet - reload € 100

Today for you it costs € 77 – 23% Off

SONGNET is active for the purchase of all the Backing Tracks and Scores present on Song Service. To take advantage of other discounts that cannot be combined you can use your credit card or Paypal.


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