
MULTITRACK Audio Mp3 backing tracks are the playback of songs as separate audio tracks. It is therefore possible to edit the mixing of the Backing Track, which would not be possible in a stereo Mp3 file. Moreover, this type of Backing Tracks include the Choirs (if present in the original version) and a metronomic Click track synchronised with the music. So Multitrack Backing Tracks are ideal for those who want to play or sing live on an extremely realistic backing track, and with the metronomic references needed to keep in time with the recorded music.

Audio Mp3 Multitrack Bases are produced by recording the sounds in optimal acoustic and 'record-quality' conditions. Many tracks are played on acoustic instruments by musicians and recorded in the studio. Arrangements are carefully crafted and the final mix is of record quality.

Multitrack Backing Tracks are available in three formats with different prices:

Custom Mp3 Backing Tracks: through the Web dashboard the user can customise the final mix of the Music Base. Basically, you can remove unused tracks (up to 4 tracks minimum), change the pitch, edit volumes and other variables. The final result is a fully customised stereo MP3 file. The operations are done directly from the Edit Multitrack Backing Track page and the final file is downloaded from The Backing Track can be modified at will, and without limitations except for the minimum number of active tracks which cannot be less than 4 audio tracks.
The cost is

Separate Track Multitrack Backing Tracks: A compressed format file is downloaded that includes all the separate tracks of the music project. Then the music base can be modified and mixed as desired by the user with a special software (Cubase or others of the same type).
The cost is
€ 8.49

MTA M-Live: MTA Backing Tracks can be played only by Merish5+ Plus, DIVO and B.Beat. MTA are MP3 audio files created by M-Live. They include the audio tracks of the project, the lyrics, chords and markers of the song, the track (mute) of the melody in instrumental form. It allows you to edit the Audio Backing tracks, vary the volumes of each single track, the key and tempo of the backing track. It is possible to move from one section of a song to another or from one song to another.
The cost is
€ 3.89


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